This fact of life on which I have been dwelling ought always to help to keep us from despairing.
How readily we say, when people disappoint us, "there is no eye to pity and no arm to save."
I think this wounded traveler said that when priest and Levite passed him by.
He despaired; there was no help for him; there was no eye to pity and no arm to save.
And just then the Samaritan appeared--the unlikeliest person in the world--and comfort was far nearer than he knew.
Do I speak to any whose hearts are very sore in the bitterness of disappointment?
To any who have hoped for help from certain people and, like this wounded traveler, never got it?
My dear reader, courage!
The oil and wine are nearer than you think, for, and very probably, they are going to come to you from someone of whom you would never dream.