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What people do not like, they try hard not to believe.
When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to judge the world, He will punish all who are not His disciples with a fearful punishment: all who are found unrepentant and unbelieving, all who have clung to sin, all who are stuck to the world, and all who have set their affections on things below.
All who are without Christ shall come to an awful end.
Whosoever is not written in the book of life shall be “cast into the lake of fire.” [Rev 20:15]
I call on all who profess to believe the Bible, to be on their guard.
1) Some do not believe there is any hell at all.
They think it impossible there can be such a place. They call it inconsistent with the mercy of God.
They say it is too awful an idea to be really true.
The devil of course, rejoices in the views of such people. They help his kingdom mightily.
They are preaching up his old favorite doctrine, “You shall not surely die.”
2) Some do not believe that hell is eternal.
They tell us it is incredible that a compassionate God will punish people forever. He will surely open the prison doors at last.
This also is a mighty help to the devil’s cause.
3) Some believe there is a hell, but never allow that anybody is going there.
All people with them are good. As soon as they die, all were sincere, all meant well, and all, they hope, got to heaven.
Alas! what a common delusion this is!
Summary: If I never spoke of hell, I should think I had kept back something that was profitable, and should look on myself as an accomplice of the devil.
Beware of new and strange doctrines about hell and the eternity of punishment.
Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just; a God who is all love, but not holy; a God who has a heaven for everybody, but a hell for none; a God who can allow good and bad to be side by side in time, but will make no distinction between good and bad in eternity.
Such a God is an idol of your own.
~J. C. Ryle~
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Sin Is The Highway To Hell |
You eat today of the meat of birds and animals, and soon—it may be in two or three months time, your flesh may be dished out for crawling worms!
Oh, it is but one spurn with God's foot—one touch with God's finger and you are gone!
But where, oh where!
You may be wise, and rich, and educated, and yet damned at last---if not holy.
For all the wicked shall be turned into hell.
No matter how quietly a wicked man may pass out of this world—unspeakable and intolerable misery will most certainly overtake him at last.
Sin is the highway to hell. Those who persevere in sin while they live, cannot escape hell when they die.
Such may read their doom, "They must drink the wine of God's wrath. It is poured out undiluted into God's cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire
and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb." Rev. 14:10
Hell is mixed with all stinging ingredients, but unmixed with any relief or offer of mercy!
No tortures so great as fire, and no fire worse than that of brimstone.
How did those poor scorched Sodomites run, howling and yelling, and lamenting their pains, when God rained hell out of heaven upon them!
How then will poor damned creatures howl and lament their pains, in that lake of fire and brimstone!
What can be more horrible than that place, where both soul and body must be crowded into a fiery dungeon, with torments that can neither be avoided nor endured! Oh, the bitterness, the multitude, the everlastingness of their pains!
Oh, eternity, eternity! Who can comprehend it? After the expiration of millions of years, eternity will not be one minute less.
Oh, when eternity is added to extremity, then hell is hell indeed!
The torments of hell are without measure, and the continuance in these torments is without end.
The damned shall be punished in hell, so long as there is a God in heaven!
And yet, will you, O man, for the pleasure of an hour, incur these everlasting pains?
Will you rather lose your soul than leave your sins?
Will you rather part with eternal life than with your lusts?
Is sin more sweet than the wrath of God would be bitter?
Holiness is the only way to happiness.
Grace is the only way to glory.
No holiness—no heaven.
God calls us to follow Him in the way of holiness to eternal glory. The devil calls us to follow him in the way of sin to eternal torments.
~Andrew Gray~
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If you do not turn, he will whet his sword; he has bent his bow, and made it ready."
The gospel is all tenderness to the repenting, but all terror to the obstinate offender. It has pardon for the very chief of sinners, and mercy for the vilest of the vile, if they will forsake their sins.
But it is according to our gospel that if a person goes on in his iniquity, he shall be cast into hell, and he that believes not shall be damned.
With deep love to the souls of men, I bear witness to the truth that he who does not turn with repentance and faith to Christ, shall go away into punishment as everlasting as the life of the righteous.
~Charles Spurgeon~
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He Awoke With Everlasting Flames About His Ears! |
Earthly riches, for the most part, do a world of mischief and hurt to their owners.
Oh the souls which earthly riches have pierced through and through with many sorrows!
Oh the minds which earthly riches have blinded!
Oh the hearts which earthly riches have hardened!
Oh the consciences which earthly riches have benumbed!
Oh the wills which earthly riches have perverted!
Oh the affections which earthly riches have disordered!
Oh the lives which earthly riches have corrupted!
Oh the time, the thoughts, the strength, the energy--which rich men spend and consume upon their riches while their precious souls lie a-bleeding to death, and an eternity of misery is hastening upon them!
Dives was so taken up with his riches, pomp, state, and with his royal apparel, royal attendance, and royal fare--that he never minded heaven, nor ever dreaded hell--until he awoke with everlasting flames about his ears!
When the bodies of the wicked are rotting in their graves, and their souls are roaring in hell, none of their worldly greatness, pomp, state, glory, gallantry, riches, houses, or revenues, shall descend after them to administer one drop of comfort to them! Therefore never envy their outward prosperity or worldly glory.
~Thomas Brooks~
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They have not even the hope of dying, or the hope of being annihilated.
They are forever -forever -forever lost!
On every chain in hell, there is written, forever.
In the fires, there blaze out the words, forever.
Up above their heads, they read, forever.
Their eyes are galled, and their hearts are pained with the thought that it is forever.
But it cannot be-it is "forever" they are "cast into outer darkness."
~Charles Spurgeon~
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Mar 12:40 Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.
I had thought to have stopped my pen here - but supposing the largest discourses of this nature are little enough to divert wicked people from their excesses.
I have one word more to add that if sinners have not lost their reason, they would be persuaded to reflect a little and consider seriously the damnableness of their state after this life and lay to heart this text dropped from our Savior's own lips, "These shall receive greater damnation."
I do not intend to meddle with the context but shall take the words as they lie entirely in themselves.
In the text there are three parts: A fiery furnace~damnation.
The furnace heated hotter~greater damnation.The people for whom this furnace is doubly heated~These
shall receive.
Doctrine. The proposition I intend is this: There are some kinds of sinners who shall be more severely tormented in hell than others. "These shall receive greater damnation."
Doctrine. The proposition I intend is this: There are some kinds of sinners who shall be more severely tormented in hell than others. "These shall receive greater damnation."
In respect of the duration of torment~all shall be punished alike. All the regiment of reprobates shall lie in hell forever!
But in respect of the degree of torment~all shall not be punished alike. Some shall have a more fiery indignation than others,
Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
Those who have the least punishment in hell shall have enough. The coolest part of hell is hot enough punishment~but there are some who shall have a hotter place in hell than others.
All shall go into that fiery prison~but some sinners God will thrust into the fiery dungeon. Those whose impieties are more fearfully heightened, and who have sinned at a higher rate than others~God will take His full blow at, in hell, and will tear them in His wrath.
Psa 50:22 Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.
For such, He will heat the infernal furnace seven times hotter.
I shall briefly give you a list and catalogue of such sinners as dying in impenitence, shall receive greater damnation.
1. Such as are willfully ignorant.
It is one thing not to know-and another to be unwilling to know. They might have the notion of the true God but they will not.
They trample upon this pearl of divine knowledge. They not only neglect knowledge, but reject it! Hosea 4:6, "Because you have rejected knowledge." Or, as the Hebrew word signifies, "you have hated it."
The Ethiopians curse the sun - just so do these reject the light of saving knowledge.
These knowledge despisers shall have a greater share in the torments of hell.
Isa 27:11 When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.
2. Such as will neither follow the thing that is good for themselves, nor yet allow others.
Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
Such as will neither read the Bible themselves, nor allow their children to read it; such as will neither hear a good sermon themselves, and discourage their neighbors from hearing;
Such as will stop the pipes which are to convey the water of life and who eclipse the lamps of the sanctuary~these shall receive greater damnation.
1Th 2:16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
3. Such as sin against clear illuminations and
These the Apostle speaks of in James 4:17: Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
He knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it. They are not ignorant that the things they do are sin.
Conscience, like the cherubim, stands with a flaming sword to deter them - yet they will eat the apple of pleasure though they die!
These men's sins have a vehemence. This made the sin of the fallen angels so great, for which they lie in chains. They had no ignorance, no passion to stir them up, no temptation - but they sinned voluntarily and out of pure choice!
These the Apostle speaks of in James 4:17: Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
He knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it. They are not ignorant that the things they do are sin.
Conscience, like the cherubim, stands with a flaming sword to deter them - yet they will eat the apple of pleasure though they die!
These men's sins have a vehemence. This made the sin of the fallen angels so great, for which they lie in chains. They had no ignorance, no passion to stir them up, no temptation - but they sinned voluntarily and out of pure choice!
This sinning against conscience, is accompanied with pride.
Sinners know the mind of God yet act contrary to it. They set their will above God's will. They say in their heart as did Pharaoh, Exodus 5:2, "Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice?"
This sinning against conscience, is accompanied with impudence.
Let what will come of it - let God punish or not - men will pursue their sins! Here the veil of modesty is laid aside.
If God has been so dreadful against sins of infirmity and passion as we see in Moses and Uzzah - how fierce will His anger be against tenacious sinners!
Sins against illumination, and conviction make deep wounds in the soul. Other sins fetch blood; these are a stab in the heart!
Every little hole in the roof lets in rain but a crack in the foundation endangers the fall of the house.
Every sin of weakness is harmful - but sins against illumination crack the conscience, and threaten the ruin of the soul. To sin in this matter makes sin the heavier and hell the hotter!
Consider this, all you who rebel against gospel light - if you do not repent you will be more scorched in hell.
Luk 12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
4. Such as are plotters and contrivers of sin.
Psa 36:4 He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.
They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. Many men's heads ache until they have found out some new sin. Such were those men who invented a decree against Daniel and got the king to sign it Daniel 6:9.
These inventors of evil things, shall be more plagued in hell than others!
He who first plots a treason is counted the capital offender, and has the most aggravated tortures. Woe to those who devise iniquity." This woe is as a ton of lead to sink them deeper into damnation.
Mic 2:1 Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.
5. Such as are haters of holiness.
The diamond of grace is hated because of its sparkling luster. If men hate the saints for their grace, how they would hate Christ if He were now upon the earth!
Will God lay those in His bosom who hate Him? No! they shall have a lower place in hell than others.
Deu 7:10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.
The repetition shows both the verity and severity of their punishment.
6. Such as are lovers of sin.
Jerome said that it is worse to love sin than to commit it. He who loves sin his heart is in the sin. He follows it with delight like a man does his game, They actually rejoice in doing evil!
Jer 11:15 What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.
Sinners say they hate the devil but they love that which will bring them to the devil!
Lovers of sin shall have more of hell torment. The fire will make them forget the pleasure.
Rev. 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying.
It is bad enough to tell a lie but he who loves a lie shall lie lower in hell.
7. They shall have a greater degree of torment, who persecute the people of God.
Act 7:52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
The godly are called sheep and the wicked called briars. These briars tear not only the wool but the flesh of the sheep. These shall be more fearfully punished. What they are to endure afterwards, may be witnessed by the hell many of them feel in their conscience and by the judgments of God upon them in this life.
Charles IX of France, who shed so much Protestant blood in the massacre at Paris, that it dyed the rivers a crimson color was struck by God with an excessive bleeding in several parts of his body, to the amazement of the beholders.
If God in this life ordains His arrows against the persecutors, Psalm 7:13 - then surely He will make them His standing mark in hell at which He will be shooting to all eternity!
8. Such as are seemingly good so that they may be really bad.
Those who make profession a specious covering for their wickedness so that, under this mask, they may lie and deceive.
They do the devil's work in Christ's uniform!
Proverbs 7:14, "This day have I paid my vows, come let us take our fill of love." Who would have suspected this harlot, having been at church? She made her devotion, a preface to adultery.
Luke 20:47, "They devour widow's houses and for a show make long prayers, the same shall receive greater damnation."
To make long prayers for this end that they might do unrighteous actions was damnable hypocrisy!
Those who make religion a covering to carry on their sin more smoothly - these shall lie in the hottest place of hell!
9. Such as do no works of mercy.
Their hearts are hardened against Christ's poor. These shall have a greater portion in hell torments.
Jas 2:13 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
He shall have torment and nothing but torment.
A person may as well be cruel by not relieving the poor as by wronging him. Such a one shall have judgment without mercy.
10. Such as die under final unbelief.
Many think none are to be counted infidels, but Turks and pagans. Yes, there are many infidel professors who do not believe God's veracity and holiness. They do not have as much faith as devils, James 2:19. Infidelity is linked with impenitence.
Acts 19:9, "Some became hardened and would not believe." Unbelief gives God the lie, 1 John 5:10. Therefore, such people are put in the forefront of those who go to hell. Revelation 21:8, The unbelieving shall have their place in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
11. Such as have grown gray under the gospel—but are never the better.
These have enjoyed the prayers, tears and lessons of God's choicest ministers.
They have been put in the fattest pastures of ordinances but yet they may say with the Prophet, "My leanness, my leanness," Isaiah 24:16. They have had warm preaching but they freeze in the sun.
They can hear ministers preach the most startling messages and see them throw the flashes of hellfire about in the congregation but their consciences are no more stirred than the pillars in the church!
Proud they were and they are proud still. Profane they were and they are profane still. All the sermons they have heard are like the showers falling on a rock which is never made softer or more fruitful.
The lungs of ministers are spent but no refining work of grace has passed upon them. These certainly shall have greater degrees of torment!
If heathen who never heard of Christ are damned, these shall be double-damned.
Matthew 11:23-24, "And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the skies? No, you will go down to hell. If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. But I tell you that it will be more tolerable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you."
Jesus Christ preached in Capernaum, there He worked miracles. Therefore, by not repenting and believing, she was in a worse condition than Sodom and would be more severely punished.
You who have had God's golden candlestick among you and are not more holy, it would have been better to have lived in Africa where Christ had never been preached, than in London. It will be better with Indians than with such nominal professors who live in the bosom of the Church.
12. Such as who apostatize and fall away from the truth.
There are some in this age, who have not only lost their former strictness in religion but the very leaves of their profession are dropped off.
As their sin is more odious because their apostasy brings a scandal upon the ways of God so their punishment shall be answerable. These renegades shall be hung up in chains in hell.
Hebrews 10:38, "If any man draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him." It is as if God should say, "I will execute the fierceness of My anger upon him. He shall drink the dregs of the cup of wrath—and that cup shall never pass away from him!"
13. Such Ishmael spirits, as scoff at true religion.
The Apostle has foretold it as a sin of the last times. 2 Peter 3:3, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire.
This is fearful, when men have arrived at such a height of impiety as, with Lucian, to deride holy living.
The tongue of the scoffers is the devil's gun out of which he shoots his bullets against true religion.
There are some who, though they are not good themselves yet they have a venerable esteem of those who are good.
Herod reverenced John the Baptist. But such the devil has taken great possession of who reproach others for that wherein they most resemble God.
Take heed of this sin," said Latimer, "for I never knew but one scorner who repented." Scoffers are, for the most part, atheists.
When men have outfaced their conscience and lost all principle of sincerity and modesty then they fall a-scoffing. These shall have greater damnation.
Isa 28:22 Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.
So scoff no more, or your punishment will be even greater. For the Lord, the Lord Almighty, has plainly told me that he is determined to crush you. You shall be bound in chains of darkness and these chains shall be made strong.
14. Such as have perverted others by their corrupt writings.
They have set forth books full of error and others have sucked in the poison of those books and been damned.
Some have published to the world that moral virtue does not differ from grace and so have caused people to rest in their moralities, never aspiring after the New Birth. Alas, a man may keep a moral decorum yet there may be some sin which reigns in his heart. The Pharisee could say, "I am no adulterer," Luke 18:11 but he could not say, "I am not proud." Morality may curb but it cannot change.
The Socinians have broached many damnable errors in print against the deity of Christ. These shall drink deeper in the cup of wrath.
If the breakers of God's law are punished seven-fold then those who teach men to break God's law, shall be punished seventy-seven fold.
The false prophet was taken (he who by his errors had deceived the world) and was cast alive into the midst of the lake of fire!
Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
15. Such as make their bodies (which should be the temples of the Holy Spirit) vessels of uncleanness.
Those who burn in lust shall one day (without repentance) burn in hotter flames than others
2Pe 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
Oh, who would, for a cup of pleasure, drink a sea of wrath!
16. Such as send other men to hell by their bad example.
The drunken master has made his servant to reel by his example. The swearing father has taught his son to swear, and damned him by his example.
Would it not be something to be lamented, if the child should get the plague of his father and die? And is it not often so, in a spiritual sense, that the father poisons and infects his child by his cursed example!
Doubtless, such monsters in wickedness shall have a greater portion in hell torments. They shall not only be damned for their own sins but for other men's sins.
This was the reason why Dives desired that some might go preach to his brethren that they might not come to hell. He had given his brethren a bad example and he thought that if they were sentenced to hell his torments would be increased, and he would be punished for their sins as well as his own.
Exhortation 1. As we should take heed of living in any sin (for the least sin lived in and unrepented of will bring us to hell), so especially let us take heed of being in the black roll of these sinners I have now mentioned.
These dying in final impenitence shall be more severely punished.
A greater millstone of wrath will fall upon their head. If a spark or two of God's anger is so grievous, what is it when He shall stir up all His wrath! "Time after time he restrained his anger and did not stir up his full wrath!" Psalm 78:38.
Exhortation 2. Let us labor to fly to Christ by faith. Let us get Him to stand as a screen between us and the fire of God's indignation.
Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1,
So that, if ever we would be safe, let us get into Christ—and being in this city of refuge, God's justice, that avenger of blood, will not touch us.
Having put on the garment of our Lord's righteousness, the fire of hell can never singe this garment! 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath!
~Thomas Watson~
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