Isa 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me

Sunday, December 30, 2018

When A Tear Is Wept By You - Do Not Think That God Does Not Behold It

Exo 3:7  And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

Exo 3:8  And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

Perhaps no figure of speech represents God in a more gracious light, than when He is spoken of as stooping from His throne and coming down from Heaven to attend to the wants and woes of His redeemed people.

How can we but love Him when we know that He numbers the very hairs of our heads, marks all our paths, and orders all our ways?

Especially is this great truth brought near to our heart when we recollect how attentive He is, not merely to the spiritual interests of His people but to their temporal concerns as well. 

Though leagues of distance lie between the finite creature and the infinite Creator  yet there are links uniting both.

When a tear is wept by you do not think that God does not behold it

Psa 56:8  Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

Your sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah...

Your whisper can incline His ear unto you...

Your prayer can stay His hand...

Your faith can move His arm!

Do not think that God sits on high taking no account of you.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

True Patriotism!

Dear friend,
Allow me to say, that it excites both my wonder and concern, that a Christian minister such as yourself, should think it worth his while to attempt political reforms

When I look around upon the present state of the nation, such an attempt appears to me, to be no less vain and foolish, than it would be to paint the cabin while the ship is sinking! 

Or to decorate the parlor while the house is on fire!

When our Lord Jesus was upon earth, He refused to get involved in disputes or politics, And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you? Luke 12:14.

John 18:36  Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

God's children belong to a kingdom which is not of this world; they are strangers and pilgrims upon earth, and a part of their Scriptural character is, that they are the quiet in the land.

Psa 35:20  For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

Satan has many contrivances to amuse people, and to divert their thoughts from their real danger!

My dear sir, my prayer to God for you is...that He may induce you to employ the talents He has given you, in pointing out sin as the great cause and source of every existing evil...

And to engage those who love and fear Him, (instead of wasting time in political speculations, for which you are not competent,)...

To sigh and cry for our abounding abominations, and to stand in the breach, by prayer, that God's wrath may yet be averted, and our national mercies prolonged!

This, I think, is True Patriotism...the best way in which people in private life may serve their country.

I consider the ungodly as saws and hammers in the hand of the Lord. 

So far as they are His instruments, they will succeed...but not an inch further! 

Their wrath shall praise Him, and be subservient to His designs!

If our lot is so cast that we can exercise our ministry free from stripes, fines, imprisonments, and is more than the gospel has promised to us!

If Christians were quiet when under the cruel governments of Nero and other wicked persecutors, when they were hunted down like wild beasts - then we ought to be not only quiet but very thankful now!

It was then accounted an honor to suffer for Christ and the 'Offence of the Cross'!

Those are to be greatly pitied, who boast of their 'liberty' and yet they do not consider that they are in the most deplorable bondage as the slaves of sin and Satan, under the curse of God's law and His eternal wrath! 

Oh! for a voice to reach their hearts, that they may know their true and dreadful state and seek deliverance from their horrific thraldom!

May you and I labor to direct them to the one thing, which is absolutely needful, and abundantly sufficient.

If I had the wisdom or influence to soothe the angry passions of mankind...I would gladly employ them! 

But I am a stranger and a pilgrim here in this world. 

My charter, my rights and my treasures, are all in heaven - and there my heart ought to be.

In a very short time, I may be removed (and perhaps suddenly) into the unseen and eternal world where all that now causes so much bustle upon earth will be of no more importance to me than the events which took place among the antediluvians!

In the hour, when death shall open the door into eternity...many things which now assume an 'air of importance', will be found as light and unsubstantial as a child's dream!

How crucial then, is it for me to be found watching, with my lamp burning, diligently engaged in my proper calling!

For the Lord has not called me to set governments right...but to preach the gospel, to proclaim the glory of His name, and to endeavor to win souls!

Luke 9:60  Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

Happy is that servant, whom his Master finds so doing, when He returns!

As you have forced me to respond...both duty and love have obliged me to be faithful and free in giving you my thoughts.

I recommend you to the care and blessing of the great Shepherd and Savior; and remain for His sake, your affectionate friend and brother,
~John Newton~

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Don't Distrust God's Goodness

Satan is ever seeking to inject that poison into our hearts to distrust God's goodness...

Especially in connection with his commandments.

That is what really lies behind all evil, lusting, and disobedience...

A discontent with our position and portion...

A craving from something which God has wisely held from us.

Reject any suggestion that God is unduly severe with you.

Resist with the utmost abhorrence, anything that causes you to doubt God's love and his loving-kindness toward you.

Allow nothing to make you question the Father's love for his child.

~Arthur Pink~

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Trust And Do; Do And Trust

Psa 37:3  Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

Trust and do are words which go well together, in the order in which the Holy Spirit has placed them. 

We should have faith, and that faith should work.

Trust in God sets us upon holy doing: we trust God for good, and then we do good. 

We do not sit still because we trust, but we arouse ourselves and expect the LORD to work through us and by us. 

It is not ours to worry and do evil but to trust and do good. 

We neither trust without doing nor do without trusting. 

Adversaries would root us out if they could; but by trusting and doing we dwell in the land. 

We will not go into Egypt, but we will remain in Immanuel's land-the providence of God, the Canaan of covenant love. 

We are not so easily to be got rid of as the LORD's enemies suppose. 

They cannot thrust us Out nor stamp us out...

Where God has given us a name and a place, there we abide. 

But what about the supply of our necessities? 

The LORD has put a "verily" into this promise. 

As sure as God is true, His people shall be fed. 

It is theirs to trust and to do, and it is the LORD's to do according to their trust. 

If not fed by ravens, or fed by an Obadiah, or fed by a widow, yet they shall be fed somehow.

Away, ye fears!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What A Contrast!

Psa 139:23  Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Psa 139:24  And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

What a contrast there is between a man of this world and a child of God!

The one wishes to Avoid the scrutiny of God and the other Desires and Prays for it.

The one Loves sin, and Cherishes it-the other Abhors sin, and desires to be Delivered from it.

The one walks hand in hand with iniquity the other Grieves that he bears about with him a body of sin and death.

It is the Earnest Desire of all who are born of God, and made partakers of the Divine nature to be delivered from the power of sin that dwells in them. 

They would have no lust spared and no corruption unmortified.

by the Father in eternity past, redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and justified freely by His grace - they would also be sanctified by His Spirit.

They would be holy as He is holy-and their desires will eventually be satisfied! 

He who has begun a good work in them, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. 

He will present them "Faultless Before The Presence Of His Glory With Exceeding Joy!"

Search me, O God, and try my thoughts, And make my heart sincere;

Let sin have no dominion, Lord, And keep my conscience clear!

Make me to walk in Your commands, 'Tis a delightful road;

Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God!

The desire of the righteous will be granted!

Pro 10:24  The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.

 ~Author Unknown~

Friday, November 30, 2018

God Is In The Front Line

In the presence of a great work or a great warfare, here is a text which should help us to buckle on our harness.

If Jehovah Himself goes before us, it must be safe to follow. 

Who can obstruct our progress if the LORD Himself is in the van? 

Come, brother soldiers, let us make a prompt advance! 

Why do we hesitate to pass on to victory? 

Nor is the LORD before us only; He is with us. 

Above, beneath, around, within is the omnipotent, omnipresent One.

In all time, even to eternity, He will be with us even as He has been.

How this should nerve our arm! 

Dash at it boldly, ye soldiers of the cross, for the LORD of hosts is with us! 

Being before us and with us, He will never withdraw His help. 

He cannot fail in Himself, and He will not fail toward us. 

He will continue to help us according to our need, even to the end. 

As He cannot fail us, so He will not forsake us. 

He will always be both able and willing to grant us strength and succor till fighting days are gone.

Let us not fear nor be dismayed...

For the LORD of hosts will go down to the battle with us, will bear the brunt of the fight, and give us the victory. 

~Charles Spurgeon~

Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Life-Giving Stream For Parched Pilgrims!

The Word And The Spirit are so intimately conjoined, that we are scarcely warranted in thinking of the one without the other.

The Word does not operate without the Spirit's agency-and the Spirit does not work apart from the Word.

It was by the Spirit's inspiration, that the Word was first given, for "holy men of God spoke, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit".  (II Peter 1:21)

It is by the Spirit, that we are enlightened (Eph 1:17, 18), yet the Word is the means He employs.

It is by the Spirit, that we are sanctified (Rom 15:16), yet not apart from the Truth (John 17:17).

It is by the Spirit, that we are strengthened (Eph 3:16) as He causes the Word to dwell in us richly (Col 3:16).

It is by the Spirit, that we are comforted (Acts 9:31) as He applies the Divine promises to our hearts.

How appropriate, then, that the grand instrument employed by the Spirit of grace, should be termed the Word of His grace.

The "Word of His grace" proclaims...

Rest for the weary...

Pardon to the guilty...

Justification to the ungodly...

Adoption to the outcast...

Eternal heavenly treasures for spiritual paupers!

It is "the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind" who are to be called to the feast which free grace has spread! (Luke 14:13)

The Word of His grace not only instructs us where grace is to be found, and how further supplies of it are to be obtained...

But it is the principal medium through which grace is actually imparted to the soul. 

It is a life-giving stream for parched pilgrims as they journey through this "wilderness of sin."

As its sacred pages are reverently perused...
The mind is instructed...
The conscience is enlightened...
The affections are warmed...
And the will is moved.

As its exceeding great and precious promises are meditated upon and treasured up in the heart-new strength is imparted to the soul.

As its holy precepts are turned into earnest prayer-help is obtained for the discharge of duty.

As its timely warnings and admonitions are heeded-temptations lose their power and the snares of Satan are avoided.

As its cheering revelation of what God has prepared for those who love Him is received by faith-new hope is kindled in the heart, and the trials of life are borne with greater fortitude. 

And as the end of the journey is neared-death loses its terrors and the call to leave this "valley of tears" becomes more desirable.

Without "the Word of His grace" we would be mariners upon the sea of life without chart or compass!

~Arthur Pink~

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

When The Bird Of Thought Was Let Go!

Anyone who wishes to check on his true spiritual condition may do so, by noting what his voluntary thoughts have been over the last hours or days.

What has he thought about, when free to think of whatever he pleased?

Toward what has his inner heart turned, when it was free to turn wherever it desired?

When the bird of thought was let go
, did it fly out like the raven to settle upon floating carcasses-or did it like the dove circle and return again to the ark of God?

Such a test is easy to run, and if we are honest with ourselves-we can discover not only what we are, but what we are going to become

We will soon be the sum of our voluntary thoughts!

~A. W. Tozer~

Saturday, October 27, 2018

His Service, Face, Name

Rev 22:4  And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.                                                      

Three choice blessings will be ours in the gloryland. "His servants shall serve him." 

No other lords shall oppress us, no other service shall distress us. 

We shall serve Jesus always, perfectly, without weariness, and without error. 

This is heaven to a saint: in all things to serve the LORD Christ and to be owned by Him as His servant is our soul's high ambition for eternity.

And they shall see his face....

This makes the service delightful: indeed, it is the present reward of service. 

We shall know our LORD, for we shall see Him as He is. 

To see the face of Jesus is the utmost favor that the most faithful servant of the LORD can ask. 

What more could Moses ask than-"Let me see thy face?" 

And his name shall be in their foreheads.

They gaze upon their LORD till His name is photographed upon their brows. 

They are acknowledged by Him, and they acknowledge Him. 

The secret mark of inward grace develops into the public sign-manual of confessed relationship.

O LORD, give us these three things in their beginnings here that we may possess them in their fullness in Thine own abode of bliss!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Thursday, October 25, 2018

God First, Then Extras

Mat 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

See how the Bible opens: "In the beginning God." 

Let your life open in the same way. 

Seek with your whole soul, first and foremost, the kingdom of God, as the place of your citizenship, and His righteousness as the character of your life. 

As for the rest, it will come from the LORD Himself without your being anxious concerning it. 

All that is needful for this life and godliness "shall be added unto you."

What a promise this is!

Food, raiment, home, and so forth, God undertakes to add to you while you seek Him.

You mind His business, and He will mind yours.

If you want paper and string, you get them given in when you buy more important goods...

And just so all that we need of earthly things we shall have thrown in with the kingdom. 

He who is an heir of salvation shall not die of starvation...

And he who clothes his soul with the righteousness of God cannot be left of the LORD with a naked body. 

Away with carping care. 

Set all your mind upon seeking the LORD. 

Covetousness is poverty, and anxiety is misery:

Trust in God is an estate, and likeness of God is a heavenly inheritance. 

LORD, I seek Thee; be found of me.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Sunday, October 21, 2018

God's Multiplication Table

Works for the LORD often begin on a small scale, and they are none the worse for this. 

Feebleness educates faith, brings God near, and wins glory for His name. 

Prize promises of increase! 

Mustard seed is the smallest among seeds, and yet it becomes a treelike plant, with branches which lodge the birds of heaven.

We may begin with one, and that "a little one," and yet it will "become a thousand." 

The LORD is great at the multiplication table. 

How often did He say to His lone servant, "I will multiply thee!" 

Trust in the LORD, ye ones and twos; for He will be in the midst of you if you are gathered in His name. 

A small one. What can be more despicable in the eyes of those who count heads and weigh forces! 

Yet this is the nucleus of a great nation. 

Only one star shines out at first in the evening, but soon the sky is crowded with countless lights. 

Nor need we think the prospect of increase to be remote, for the promise is, "I Jehovah will hasten it in his time."

There will be no premature haste, like that which we see at excited meetings; it will be all in due time, but yet there will be no delay. 

When the LORD hastens, His speed is glorious.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Friday, October 19, 2018

A Warning Against Hardness Of Heart

Heb 3:13  But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

The children of Israel in their coming out of Egypt, and in their forty years sojourn in the wilderness, represented the visible Church of the living God; not the secret and elect body of the redeemed, but the professing company of the outward Church.

They were very prone to the great sin of unbelief.

They believed in God after a fashion while they saw his wonders, but the moment they were brought into straits or difficulties, they at once began to doubt the power or Jehovah, and to cast off all reverence for his authority. 

Hence they fell into another sin which at last fastened on them so as to become a part of their nature...

They became stiff-necked, obstinate, rebellious, perverse, and hard of heart.

They would not learn, although their lesson-book had miracles for its pictures. 

Their hearts became so hard that although they saw all the great things which God did for them, they despised the pleasant land...

And were ready at times for the sake of the flesh-pots of Egypt, to wear again the yoke of Pharaoh, and to die the inglorious death of slaves. 

Such, also, are the great sins of the Christian Church...

Unbelief the root, and obstinacy the fruit

Brethren and sisters, if we know our own hearts, we must confess that unbelief is a sin which does very easily beset us, and that our obstinacy may well provoke the Lord to anger.

We rejoice in God while the rocks run with rivers, and while the daily manna drops about our tents...

But when the fiery serpent bites us...

Or the wells are bitter...

Or our comforts are in any way interfered with...

We begin to distrust and to suspect the faithfulness of God...

And, as the result of this, there is an obstinacy about us which often inclines us to stand out against the plain precepts of God...

Because, forsooth, in the judgment of our unbelief, obedience might lead us into trouble, and disobedience might make our path smooth. 

Oh that it were not, too sadly true that God's people are liable to be overtaken by the worst of sins

Egypt itself did not produce worse sins than those which provoked the Lord to anger in the camp of Israel...

And to this day the Church has some in it who defile her with all the sins of the world.

I do not mean to insinuate that the Church of God is not infinitely to be preferred to the world in character; God forbid that I should slander the fair bride of Christ, she is as much superior to the world as the curtains of Solomon excel the smoke blacked tents of Kedar;

But who dares deny that there are specimens to be found of the worst of sins occurring among true believers...

Just as in the most carefully tended garden there will spring up here and there some of the most noxious weeds...

Not that the weeds are permitted to smother the whole garden and kill the flowers, but that their coming there while men sleep, is an indication of what the soil is, and a plain manifestation that although the garden is very different from the piece of waste ground on the other side of the wall, yet it differs not in nature, but owes all its superiority to the culture of the husbandman...

Even as the saints owe all their excellence above the very chief of sinners, to the guardian care and omnipotent grace of the great lover of souls.

It seems, dear friends, that it is really necessary to warn God's people, although they have received the new nature, and are partakers of the adoption, against being hardened in heart through the deceitfulness of sin, and that there is a machinery provided by which the saints may be preserved from this great evil. 

Exhort one another daily, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

~T. Austin Sparks~

Sunday, September 30, 2018

"If Thou Canst Believe"

Mar 9:23  Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

A certain man had a demoniac son, who was afflicted with a dumb spirit. 

The father, having seen the futility of the endeavors of the disciples to heal his child, had little or no faith in Christ, and therefore, when he was bidden to bring his son to him, he said to Jesus, “If thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.” 

Now there was an “if” in the question, but the poor trembling father had put the “if” in the wrong place: 

Jesus Christ, therefore, without commanding him to retract the “if,” kindly puts it in its legitimate position...

Nay, verily, he seemed to say, “there should be no ‘if’ about my power, nor concerning my willingness, the ‘if’ lies somewhere else.”

If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

The man’s trust was strengthened, he offered a humble prayer for an increase of faith, and instantly Jesus spoke the word, and the devil was cast out, with an injunction never to return. 

There is a lesson here which we need to learn. 

We, like this man, often see that there is an “if” somewhere, but we are perpetually blundering by putting it in the wrong place.

If Jesus can help me...

If he can give me grace to overcome temptation...

If he can give me pardon...

If he can make me successful? 

Nay, “if” you can believe, he both can and will. 

You have misplaced your “if.”

If you can confidently trust, even as all things are possible to Christ, so shall all things be possible to you. 

Faith standeth in God’s power, and is robed in God’s majesty...

It weareth the royal apparel, and rideth on the King’s horse...

For it is the grace which the King delighteth to honor. 

Girding itself with the glorious might of the all-working Spirit, it becomes, in the omnipotence of God, mighty to do, to dare, and to suffer. 

All things, without limit, are possible to him that believeth. 

My soul, canst thou believe thy Lord tonight?

~Charles Spurgeon~

Thursday, September 20, 2018

A Zero Point

There are still a lot of people in this world who think that there is something in man that can contribute to the glory of God...
And that Christianity is only the bringing up out of man of something that is for the glory of God.

That is a long, long-standing fallacy and lie. 

It is not true.

Call it what you like; it goes by various names, such as "the inner light" or "the vital spark."

The Word of God all the way through is coming down tremendously on this thing.

I start at zero, and zero for me means that I can contribute nothing.

Everything has to come from God.

The very fact that the gift of God is eternal Life means that you have not got it until it is given to you.

You are blind until God gives you the faculty of sight.

You are dead until God gives you Life.

You are a hopeless cripple until God does something for you and in you which you can never do.

Unless God does this thing, unless this act takes place, well, there you lie.

Spiritually, that is how you are.

You can contribute nothing....

This is one of the great lessons that you and I have to learn in the School of Christ, that God begins for His glory at zero...

And God will take pains through the Holy Spirit to make us to know that it is zero...

That is, to bring us consciously to zero, and make us realize it is all with Him....

Have we got settled on this?

We take so long to learn these basic elementary lessons.

We do still cling to some sort of idea that we can produce something...

And all our miserable days are simply the result of still hoping that we can in some way provide the Lord with something.

Not being able to find it, but breaking down all the time, we get miserable, perfectly miserable.

It takes us so long to come to the place where we do fully and finally settle this matter...

That if we lived as long as ever man lived on this earth, we shall not be able to contribute one iota which can be acceptable to God...

And which He can take and use for our salvation...

For our sanctification...

For our glorification...

Not a bit.

All that He can use is His Son...

And the measure of our ultimate glory will be the measure of Christ in us, just that.
~T. Austin Sparks~

Monday, September 10, 2018

We See Hands And Feet And Side, All Pouring Forth Crimson Streams Of Precious Blood!

1Pe 1:19  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Standing at the foot of the cross, we see hands and feet and side, all pouring forth crimson streams of precious blood!

Christ's blood is precious because of its redeeming and atoning efficacy

By it, all the sins of all Christ's people are atoned for!

Christ's blood is also precious in its cleansing power

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin!

Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Through Jesus' blood, there is not a spot left upon any believer-no wrinkle nor any such thing remains. 

Oh, precious cleansing blood-which removes the stains of abundant iniquity, and allows us to stand accepted in the Beloved, notwithstanding the many ways in which we have rebelled against our God.

The blood of Christ is likewise precious in its preserving power. 

Under the sprinkled blood, we are safe from the destroying angel.  

Remember that it is God's seeing the blood, which is the true reason for our being spared.

Here is comfort for us when the eye of faith is dim, for God's eye is still the same.

The blood of Christ is precious also in its sanctifying influence

The same blood that justifies by taking away sin-quickens the new nature and leads it onward to subdue sin and to follow out the commands of God.

There is no motive for holiness so great, as that which streams from the veins of Jesus!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sought Out!

Isa 62:12  And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. 

The surpassing grace of God is seen very clearly, in that He has Sought Out His chosen people.

Glory be to infinite love and unconquerable grace-we were sought out! 

No gloom could hide us, no filthiness could conceal us! 

We were sought out, found and brought home.

The lives of some of God's people, if they could be written, would fill us with holy astonishment.

Marvelous and wondrous are the ways that God uses to find His own people. 

Blessed be His name, He never relinquishes the search, until His chosen ones are effectually sought out and brought home.

Christians are not a people sought today-and cast away tomorrow. 

Almightiness and wisdom combined, will make no failures. 

They shall be called "Sought out!"

That any should be sought out is matchless grace-but that we should be sought out, is grace beyond degree! 

We can find no reason for it, but God's own sovereign love!

We lift up our heart in astonishment, and praise the Lord that we wear the name of "Sought out!"

Luke 15:6  And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God;

He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Spring Of True Obedience To God!

2John 1:6  And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

Love to God is the spring of true obedience to God.

One who is not obedient to His commandments, is evidently not a true believer...

For although good works do not save us...yet, being saved, believers are sure to produce good works.

Though the fruit is not the root of the tree...yet a well-rooted tree will, in its season, bring forth its fruits. 

So, though the keeping of the commandments does not make me a child of God...yet, being a child of God, I shall be obedient to my heavenly Father. 

But this I cannot be, unless I love God.

A mere external formal obedience is not sincere obedience in God's sight. 

He abhors the sacrifice, where the heart is not found. 

I must obey Him because I love Him or else I have not truly obeyed at all. 

See then, that to produce the indispensable fruits of saving faith...there must be sincere love for God.

John 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 14:21  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

John 14:23  Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

John 14:24  He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Deliverance Not Limited

Job 5:19  He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. 

Eliphaz in this spoke the truth of God...

We may have as many troubles as the workdays of the week, but the God who worked on those six days will work for us till our deliverance is complete. 

We shall rest with Him and in Him on our Sabbath.

The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith. 

Before we have recovered from one blow it is followed by another and another till we are staggered. 

Still, the equally quick succession of deliverances is exceedingly cheering. 

New songs are rung out upon the anvil by the hammer of affliction, till we see in the spiritual world the antitype of "the Harmonious Blacksmith." 

Our confidence is that when the LORD makes our trials six... six they will be and no more.

It may be that we have no rest day, for seamen troubles come upon us. 

What then? 

In seven there shall be no evil touch thee.

Evil may roar at us, but it shall be kept at more than arm's length and shall not even touch us. 

Its hot breath may distress us, but its little finger cannot be laid upon us. 

With our loins girt about us, we will meet the six or the seven troubles and leave fear to those who have no Father, no Savior, and no Sanctifier.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Child Chastisement Not Forever

1Ki 11:39  And I will for this afflict the seed of David, but not for ever. 

In the family of grace there is discipline, and that discipline is severe enough to make it an evil and a bitter thing to sin. 

Solomon, turned aside by his foreign wives, had set up other gods and grievously provoked the God of his father; therefore, ten parts out of twelve of the kingdom were rent away and set up as a rival state. 

This was a sore affliction to the house of David, and it came upon that dynasty distinctly from the hand of God, as the result of unholy conduct. 

The LORD will chasten His best beloved servants if they cease from full obedience to His laws...

Perhaps at this very hour such chastening is upon us. 

Let us humbly cry, "O LORD, show me wherefore thou contendest with me." 

What a sweet saving clause is that..."but not for ever"!

The punishment of sin is everlasting, but the fatherly chastisement of it in a child of God is but for a season. 

The sickness, the poverty, the depression of spirit, will pass away when they have had their intended effect. 

Remember, we are not under law but under grace, 

The rod may make us smart, but the sword shall not make us die. 

Our present grief is meant to bring us to repentance that we may not be destroyed with the wicked.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Law In The Heart

Put the law into the heart, and the whole man is right. 

This is where the law should be; for then it lies, like the tables of stone in the ark, in the place appointed for it. 

In the head it puzzles, on the back it burdens, in the heart it upholds.

What a choice word is here used, "the law of his God"! 

When we know the LORD as our own God His law becomes liberty to us. 

God with us in covenant makes us eager to obey His will and walk in His commands.

Is the precept my Father's precept? Then I delight in it.

We are here guaranteed that obedient-hearted man shall be sustained in every step that he takes. 

He will do that which is right, and he shall therefore do that which is wise. 

Holy action is always the most prudent, though it may not at the time seem to be so...

We are moving along the great highroad of God's providence and grace when we keep to the way of His law. 

The Word of God has never misled a single soul yet...

Its plain directions to walk humbly, justly, lovingly, and in the fear of the LORD are as much words of wisdom to make our way prosperous as rules of holiness to keep our garments clean. 

He walks surely who walks righteously. 

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

An Appeal; Deliverance

This is a Promise Indeed!

Here is an urgent occasion..."the day of trouble." 

It is dark at noon on such a day, and every hour seems blacker than the one which came before it. 

Then is this promise in season: it is written for the cloudy day.

Here is condescending advice, "Call upon me." 

We ought not to need the exhortation: it should be our constant habit all the day and every day. 

What a mercy to have liberty to call upon God! 

What wisdom to make good use of it! 

How foolish to go running about to men! 

The LORD invites us to lay our case before Him, and surely we will not hesitate to do so.

Here is reassuring encouragement: "I will deliver thee." 

Whatever the trouble may be, the LORD makes no exceptions but promises full, sure, happy deliverance. 

He will Himself work out our deliverance by His own hand. 

We believe it, and the LORD honors faith.

Here is an ultimate result: "Thou shalt glorify me." 

Ah, that we will do most abundantly. 

When He has delivered us we will loudly praise Him; and as He is sure to do it, let us begin to glorify Him at once.

~Charles Spurgeon~

Thursday, July 26, 2018

For A Rational Man To Be So Attached To A Bubble, Is A Most Irrational Thing!

1Jn 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Worldliness is an undue attachment to this world. 

It is living for this world-its riches, its honor, its joys and its cares.

It is living by the principles of this world: greed, covetousness, deceit and lust.

Nothing is more dangerous to the souls of men-than the love of the world.

Nothing more effectually chokes out the influence of the gospel in a man's heart-than the cares of this world.

Nothing is more difficult to avoid-than an undue attachment to this world.

Therefore, John sets these four words up as a beacon. 

They stand in blazing letters to warn us of great danger: "LOVE NOT THE WORLD!"

Beloved, this world and all that it offers, is no more than a bubble that soon must burst! 

Your money, your farms, your houses, your influence, your families-everything here is temporary. 

It will all vanish away!

We laugh at the small child who cries when the bubbles he is playing with burst. 

But, for a rational man to be so attached to a bubble, is a most irrational thing!

What fools they are who love and seek this world! 

I cannot warn you enough of the danger of worldliness-of loving, seeking, and living for this world!

Are you God's child? 

Are you risen with Christ? 

Do you live in the hope of eternal glory?

Then count this world to be a dead thing.

Live no longer for this world.

Set your heart on things above.

Live above this pile of rubbish that must soon burn!

Live to do the will of God, seek the glory of Christ, further the gospel of the grace of God, and serve the people of God. 

Quit seeking those things for which unbelieving men live, and seek those things which are, immortality, and glory.

~Don Fortner~