That is a Clever Strategy of the devil!
Lose the spirit of Spiritual Battle and you will Stop Short of Finishing The Work.
The next thing that caused these people to settle down too soon was the spirit of the world Getting In amongst them.
What is the spirit of the world?
It is the spirit of: Have a good time!
Let us have a good time!
Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!
And these people of Israel looked at the world around them and, if I understand it rightly, they said...
These people do not have all the hard time that we do.
Our life is a life of Continual Battle.
They do not know so much about that, but they believe in having a good time.
I think that is how it was at this particular time.
Of course, up to this time Israel had given the people round about a bad time!
But Israel had Lost The Fighting Spirit now, and the world was having a good time because the Church was No Longer fighting it.
Instead of fighting the world they Made Friends With The World.
They Made The World Their Friends, And So They Did Not Finish The Work.
Compromise is a Dangerous thing to the ..inheritance!
Trying to be on Good Terms with the world and having an Easy Time will result in our Losing a large part of the inheritance.
~T. Austin Sparks~