The church should be a healthy, fruitful vineyard that will bring honor to Christ...
A church after Christ's own heart where He can look at the travail of His soul and be satisfied.
Among the people should be a beautiful simplicity and a radiant Christian love so it would impossible to find gossips and talebearers.
There should be a feeling of humble reverence and an air of joyous informality, where each one esteems others better than himself or herself, where everyone is willing to serve but no one jockeys to serve.
Childlike candor without duplicity or dishonesty should mark the church...
And the presence of Christ should be felt and the fragrance of His garments smelled by His beloved.
Prayers should be answered so regularly that we think nothing of it.
It would be common because God is God, and we are His people.
When necessary, miracles would not be uncommon.
Is that, in the light of Scripture, unreasonable and undesirable to expect of a church? . . .
Is this impossible?
Is anything impossible with God?
Is anything impossible where the Lord Jesus Christ is?
Is this unscriptural?
The only thing that is unscriptural about this vision is that it is not up to the standard of Scripture yet.
The scriptural standards are still high.
If you answer, "No, it is not unreasonable, undesirable or impossible," then you are saying you believe in this.
If you believe in this, if you would like to become the church that could begin this reformation, this change toward the better, this recapturing of the ancient power of God in the souls of people...
Then there must be a radical psychological break with the prevailing religious mood.
~A. W. Tozer
For the church to be Church each of us Must Live In Submission To Christ the Head of the Church and function as healthy body members through whom He can reach out in this world.
Are we so living?
Renew Your Church, O Lord. Renew me. In Jesus' name.