Their strong affection for their idols , their constant worship of them, and their obstinate persisting therein, and the Difficulty there is of bringing them off of it...
They cleaved to their idols, were glued, and as it were wedded unto them, and there was no separating of them...
As men are, who are addicted to the lusts of the flesh, to the mammon of unrighteousness, or to their own self-righteousness...
Or to any idol they set up in their hearts as such: a building, a fellowship, friends, family,
LET THEM ALONE Which Are The Words Of The Lord To The Prophet...
Enjoining him to prophesy no more to them...
To reprove them no more for their sins, since it was all to no purpose...
And Therefore Let Them Alone...
Let them go on in their sins, and in their errors, and in their superstition and idolatry;
God Was Determined To Let Them Alone Himself...
And therefore bids his prophet to do so likewise:
And sad is the case with men when he lets them alone, and will not disturb their consciences any more by jogs and convictions,
But gives them up to a seared conscience, to hardness of heart, and to their own lusts...
When he will not hedge up their way with thorns, or distress them with afflictive providences, and hinder them from going on in a course of sin and wickedness...
Nor give them restraining grace, but suffer them to GO ON In The Broad Road.
They cleaved to their idols, were glued, and as it were wedded unto them, and there was no separating of them...
As men are, who are addicted to the lusts of the flesh, to the mammon of unrighteousness, or to their own self-righteousness...
Or to any idol they set up in their hearts as such: a building, a fellowship, friends, family,
LET THEM ALONE Which Are The Words Of The Lord To The Prophet...
Enjoining him to prophesy no more to them...
To reprove them no more for their sins, since it was all to no purpose...
And Therefore Let Them Alone...
Let them go on in their sins, and in their errors, and in their superstition and idolatry;
God Was Determined To Let Them Alone Himself...
And therefore bids his prophet to do so likewise:
And sad is the case with men when he lets them alone, and will not disturb their consciences any more by jogs and convictions,
But gives them up to a seared conscience, to hardness of heart, and to their own lusts...
When he will not hedge up their way with thorns, or distress them with afflictive providences, and hinder them from going on in a course of sin and wickedness...
Nor give them restraining grace, but suffer them to GO ON In The Broad Road.