It is a cold, bitter world, and it gets worse and worse!
I'm a slave to work, and there is no help for it!
I am the man who has seen affliction! Lamentations 3:1
In some shape like this, we often hear it, and it casts a
gloom wherever it comes.
While now and then we meet with a joyful, happy spirit,
who is always hoping things will mend, and sees "how much worse it might
have been," and can find out a speck of blue sky in the darkest day...
are too many, alas, who cover up their sweetest mercies beneath the bushel
of fears and evil anticipations, and go on their way a misery to themselves
and all about them.
I have in my mind two types of this evil. They were in
very different positions in life, and their trials also were very diverse.
In one case, the trial which called forth this sin was
doubtless very heavy.
A widow lady was left with an only son. He went to
sea, and the vessel was lost, and she never saw him again.
It was a terrible
blow; but she nursed her sorrow and would take no comfort.
She said God had
dealt hardly with her, and she never could believe that He was a God of
Whatever was said to her as to God's gift of His own Son for our
salvation, of His promise never to leave those who trusted in Him
comfortless, it was all in vain.
She still continued repining and murmuring
against God; and instead of her affliction being sanctified to her soul's
profit, I fear it only led her to harden her heart against God.
The other case was a more ordinary one. It was a very old
A woman had a large family, but a sickly constitution, and her means
were only just sufficient.
But her troubles were made a thousand-fold
greater by the way she took them.
You never saw a smile on her countenance,
and you never heard her speak without complaining.
She would complain of her
landlord, of her boys, her husband, her garden, and I know not what.
I knew
her for years, and I think I never spoke to her but there was something of
this kind.
She buried herself in her troubles, and never looked at anything
So no wonder this fox of Discontent was always heard near her
This sin of murmuring and discontent has its root
in the fallen nature of man. It tells of a wrong state of heart.
It springs
from the will not being subdued to the will of God.
Men forget their own
sinfulness, and that they receive far less of evil than their iniquities
They forget that, "God does according to His will in Heaven and in
earth, and that He gives no account of any of His matters."
They forget that
this world is not to be our Paradise, but a training school for one
They forget the constant mercies that a merciful Father is ever
bestowing while they fix their eye on the sorrow or disappointment that
has come upon them.
Often too, discontent arises from some special cause.
man has set his heart on getting rich. All his aim and desire is to amass a
But he cannot succeed. Trade is bad, and orders do not come in. Few
customers are seen at his counter, and he can only just pay his way.
Or, if
his capital is invested in farming, perhaps the seasons are not good and the
crops fall short. Then he murmurs.
He complains of trade or
weather or whatever stands between him and success.
If the love of money
were not supreme, he would find it far easier to be content with his
position: "Having food and clothing, he would be therewith content."
Or take another cause. A young person is very fond of
She has a good situation and a comfortable home...she has
opportunities of self-improvement and a mistress who really cares for her
But she is unsettled and unhappy. Her life is too quiet...she wants
more excitement.
So she leaves her place and loses a good situation, and
perhaps in a new one has temptations which lead her further and further from
true peace.
Be sure that contentment can never be obtained by any
change of place or circumstances.
I have heard of a rich man, in olden time,
who had many country houses and used often to go from one to another.
asked why he so often moved, he said it was to find contentment but as he
never found it, he missed his aim.
I remember one morning I was just starting on a journey
to see a village where I felt probably my lot might be cast for some years.
As the place was far from all old friends and in many ways a very lonely
one, I was not very happy in the prospect.
But a Christian friend gave me a
word that helped me, and I have never forgotten it.
It was a verse of one of
Guyon's poems:
While place we seek or place we shun, The soul finds happiness in none;
But with our God to guide our way 'Tis equal joy to go or stay.
There is a great truth in these lines. True peace and
contentment is not to be found in one spot or another.
Neither is it to be
found in the removal of a particular grievance, or in some additional means
of comfort or happiness.
I am quite aware that many things may aggravate the
burden of our discontent, and something now and then may be found to lighten
it, but the true remedy lies deeper than in anything external.
Paul gives us two or three precious lessons as to the
cure of discontent.
He reminds us that "we brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out."
It is all in vain to disturb
our hearts with eagerness to grow rich. Such desire will pierce a man
through with many sorrows.
Nay, rather be satisfied with what is needful.
Godliness is our true wealth.
It is a portion we can carry with us. As to
the rest, let us leave it. "Having food and clothing, we will be content
with that." (See 1 Timothy 6:6-10.)
Then, in another place, he gives us his own example, and
the secret of it.
Few have had more to endure than he...few have had more
He had often been "in cold and hunger and nakedness." He had
often been homeless and friendless.
He had been exposed to the violence of
bitter enemies, and to the fierce raging of the tempest.
He had been reviled
and beaten and stoned, and often at the very gate of death.
But he had
learned to take it patiently, yes, joyfully. He could truly say that he had
learned "in whatever state he was, therewith to be content."
And how was
It was by leaning upon Christ. It was by looking to Him for grace and
It was by the inward might of His Spirit. It was by depending upon Him
for strength continually.
Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Then there is one other view which he gives of this
subject. It is the great motive for contentment...the loving, unchangeable
presence of Christ.
A motive which ought ever to weigh with every true
If a child of the world asks me how he can be contented
under the losses and trials that come to him, I confess that I find it
difficult to answer him.
If you have not Christ and His love, I wonder how
you can be contented.
You have no true peace in your soul, you have no
blessed home waiting for you above; and all the happiness you ever get will
be from the poor, fading pleasures of the world...and then darkness and
gloom and death and damnation.
Your only path is to humble yourself as a
sinner, and seek pardon and salvation at once through Christ.
But if you are Christ's, if you have His love in your
heart, you may well be content.
You have His loving, unchangeable presence.
You have His sure and faithful promise: "Be content with such things as you
have: for He has said: I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews
Brother, sister in Christ, open your eyes and see the
unsearchable riches stored up for you in this promise, and in all the
promises assured to you in Him.
You have the everlasting love of the great
King. You have all your need supplied out of God's full bounty.
You have a
clear title to an inheritance above. You have a horizon of bliss, that
stretches out farther and farther...far out of mental sight.
Think of all
this, and see if you have not reason to be content.
If a man loses a shilling, and gain a thousand pounds —
ought he to grieve over the shilling he has lost?
If you find a poor man and
give him what is needful for his present wants, and can assure him of a
great property that belongs to him, and of which he will shortly come into
possession...ought he to complain and murmur if for the present moment he
has much to put up with?
And is not this but a faint parallel between the
Christian's present trials and future prospects?
What are all present
losses, troubles, sufferings, disappointments compared with the
everlasting love of God, and the blessed portion it brings?
I would give the Christian one parting word in
conclusion. If you want to be a happy, contented, praising Christian, keep
near to Christ and receive much from Him.
If you want a bird in a cage to
sing, you must give it plenty of fresh air, suitable food, and put it in the
If you want the soul to sing with joyfulness and praise and
thanksgiving, you must act in the same way.
Let there be the balmy air of heartfelt prayer and
communion with God.
Let there be the wholesome food of the promises
of God and the teachings of His Word.
Let there be the sunshine of
Christ's presence and love.
Abide in His love...keep in the sunshine.
against all unbelief, covetousness, and earthly care. So shall you ever be
contented and at rest.
If cross winds blow, if earthly gourds wither, if
pleasant streams dry up, if bright flowers fade, if all joys below prove as
a passing will still find peace.
Looking up to Jesus, you will
be able to leave all with Him.
If You should call me to resign what most I never was mine!
I only yield You what was Thine; May Your will be done!
~George Everard~