1. First, True hatred of sin, includes an extreme
Every dislike is not hatred...but
true hatred is an extreme loathing: "You shall cast them away as a
menstruous cloth; you shall say unto it, Get you hence," Isaiah 30:22;
that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which
they made each one for himself to worship—to the moles and to the bats,"
chapter 2:20.
Their detestation should be so great that they would cast
their most costly idols of silver and gold to the most dark, nasty, dusty
To testify the sincerity of their conversion to GOD, they would
hate and abhor, abandon and abolish their gold and silver
idols which they valued above all others.
2. Secondly, True hatred of sin, includes earnest
He who hates his sin would
sincerely be separated from his sin; "For we who are in this tabernacle do
groan being burdened," 2 Cor. 5:4.
A sincere Christian finds no burden to
lie so heavy and weighty upon his spirit as sin, and therefore he groans to
be delivered from it.
In the law, he who hated his wife did sue out a bill
of divorce from her, Deut. 24:3. He who truly hates sin, puts in many a bill
into the court of heaven that he may be forever divorced from his sin.
3. Thirdly, True hatred of sin, includes an
irreconcilable ALIENATION.
He who hates sin
has his heart forever alienated from sin; he who hates sin can never be one
with sin.
Two angry men may be made friends; but if two men hate each other,
all friendship is everlastingly broken between them.
A man may be angry
with sin, and yet made friends with sin again; but if once he comes to
hate his sin, then all friendship with sin is everlastingly broken.
4. Fourthly, True hatred of sin, includes a constant
and perpetual CONFLICT.
The flesh will be
still lusting against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh.
sin and grace were not born together, and though sin and grace shall never
die together - yet while a believer lives in this world, they must live
together; and while sin and grace do cohabit together, they will still be
opposing and conflicting one with another, Gal. 5:17, Romans 7:22-23.
man who truly hates sin will everlastingly conflict with sin.
He will die
fighting against his sins, as one of the dukes of Venice died fighting
against his enemies with his weapons in his hand.
Well, Christians, remember
this, though to be kept from sin brings most peace and comfort to us-yet for
us to oppose sin, and for GOD to pardon sin, that brings most glory to GOD,
2 Cor. 12:7-9.
5. Fifthly. True hatred of sin, includes a deadly
intention and DESTRUCTION, for nothing satisfies hatred but death and ruin.
Saul hated David, and sought his life; he hunted him up and down as a
partridge in the mountains; he left no stone unturned, nor any means
unattempted, whereby he might revenge himself upon David, 1 Sam. 26:19-20; 1
Sam. 23:22.
Haman hated Mordecai, and nothing would satisfy him
but to bring him to a shameful death, to see him hanged on a gallows fifty
cubits high, Esther. 5:14, which was designed, says Lyra, to put Mordecai to
the greater shame, for he hanging high, everyone might see him and point to
Now when there was but one night between Mordecai and a shameful death,
divine providence opportunely intervened and saved him from Haman's malice,
and caused the mischief which he had plotted against Mordecai suddenly to
fall upon his own head; for he who was highly feasted with the king one day,
was made a feast for crows the next day.
Absalom hated Amnon and killed him, 2 Sam. 13:22-33.
Julian the apostate hated the Christians with a deadly hatred.
He put
many thousands of them to death, and threatened and vowed that at his return
from fighting against the Persians, he would put all the Christians in his
empire to the sword; but GOD prevented him by cutting him off in that
A Christian who hates sin can't be satisfied but in the
death and destruction of it.
In all his duties the language of his soul is, LORD, let my sins be destroyed; whoever escapes, let not my sins escape the
hand of your revenging justice!
And in all ordinances the language of his
soul is, "O LORD! when shall my sins be subdued and mortified?
When shall my
cursed corruptions be brought to and under dominion?
Yes, when shall they all
be drowned in the Red Sea of my Savior's blood?"
6. Sixthly, True hatred of sin, includes a total
AVERSENESS; true hatred is of the whole kind.
To wind up all, ask your heart what is it that you abhor
as the superlative evil?
What is that which you would have separated as far
from you as heaven is from hell?
What is that your heart will never renew
league or friendship with any more?
What is that against which your soul
does rise, and with which, as Israel with Amalek, you will have war forever? Exodus 17:16.
What is that which you will be avenged of and daily endeavor
the mortifying and crucifying of?
What is that which you set your heart
against in the comprehensive latitude thereof, whether great or little, open
or secret?
If it is sin, if it is your sins, if it is all your sins...then
assuredly here is a true hatred of sin, and assuredly here is a most
distinguishing character of a child of God, of a sound conversion, and of a
saving change.
It was not always thus with you; nor are these
characteristics found in any hypocrite, or in any unconverted person upon
the face of the earth.
Sin was once to you as Delilah to Samson, Judges
14:3, 7; but now it is to you as Tamar to Amnon, 2 Sam. 13:15.
Once it was a
sweet morsel which you held fast and would not let it go, Job 20:12-13; but
now it is the menstruous cloth, Isaiah 30:22, which you cast away, saying,
"Get you hence."
Now with Ephraim you cry out, "What have I to do any more
with idols?" Hosea 14:8.
Oh, if it is indeed thus with you, then you have
cause forever to be much in blessing and in admiring of the LORD...for his
distinguishing grace and favor towards you.
O sirs! the world is full of baits, snares, and
temptations; but while the hatred of sin burns in your breasts, you may
throw the gauntlet to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Well, remember
this forever...there are three things a hypocrite can never do:
1. He can
never mourn for sin as sin.
2. He can never mourn for the sins of others
as well as his own.
Moses, Lot, David, Jeremiah, Paul, and those in that
Ezek. 9:4, 6, mourned for others' sins as well as their own;
But Pharaoh,
Ahab, Judas, Demas, Simon Magus never did.
3. He can never hate sin as
~Thomas Brooks~